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Our Director

Lynn P is the new director of Valley Echoes

Valley Echoes’ Director is the fun loving and ever playful Lynn P.

Lynn is a very busy gal. She runs her own business and is the Website Coordinator for Region 26 of Sweet Adelines International.  In addition to this, she sings in two a cappella trios as well as Soundscape A Cappella Chorus where she is also an assistant director.

Lynn has been a member of Valley Echoes since Nov 2010 and sang in both the Tenor and Baritone sections as needed. She was appointed section leader and began leading warm-ups under our then director, Carol Argue, and signed up for the Sweet Adelines Director Certification Program (DCP). Lynn began her directing journey under the expert tutelage of Charlie Metzger, at Soundscape Chorus.  Additionally, she attended Director Workshops at Harmony College and various other workshops and seminars. When Sean Huston officially appointed her as Valley Echoes Assistant Director, Lynn dove into her DCP, in earnest, and completed it April 2017. May 1 we hired her! 

Lynn is an avid gardener, enjoys hiking and loves learning. When she is not singing, working, studying, gardening or hiking you'll find her hanging out with her family and friends.